Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Origination Product Guide
Getting Started with Virtual Capture

Virtual Capture provides the ideal account and loan application experience with the ability to customize the application process for multiple instances across all devices. With Virtual Capture, institutions can take their application experience to the next level with mobile optimization and unlimited integration with Temenos Infinity and other third party connectors, as well as the ability to use Temenos Infinity’s flexible configuration settings and screen designer to customize the application process in a way that fits their financial institution’s business needs. 

Reference the table below for an overview of the steps to take to begin configuring Virtual Capture:

Before Virtual Capture can be installed and configured for an institution, an agreement must be in place with Temenos.

Configuration Checklist

Verify the supported devices and browsers are acquired. 

Virtual Capture does not support all third party mobile device keyboards. Please see the Hardware and Software Requirements - Origination topic for a complete list of the devices and browsers supported in Virtual Capture.

Install the Virtual Capture application through the DMZ Services tab in Server Manager.

This step may be performed by a representative from the financial institution, or a Temenos Representative.

Contact a Temenos Representative to activate SolutionID 118 in the database, which enables Virtual Capture in Temenos Infinity.

If using Vendor instances for Merchant Lending, contact a Temenos Representative to activate SolutionID 155 in the database. This solution enables the ability to create vendor instances for Virtual Capture.

Assign Users and Security Groups access to configure Virtual Capture functionality by granting the following permissions in System Management > Users and/or System Management > Groups > Security Groups:

  • Virtual Capture Screens
  • Virtual Capture Settings
  • Virtual Capture Workflow Models

To allow a user to configure the Loan and Account products offered during the virtual application process, permission to the following must also be granted:

  • Account Product Management under System Management - Account
  • Loan Application Type Management under System Management - Loan
For more information on the above permissions, please see the Permissions section of the Users or Security Groups topics in the Administrator Guide.

Configure the following Loan, Account Product and Virtual Capture functionality in Temenos Infinity:

Determine whether documents uploaded in Virtual Capture must complete a virus scan by the financial institution prior to being uploaded to the application. This configuration is made by setting the Document Virus Scan in Virtual Capture and API parameter to a value of Virus Scan, and defining the Document Import and Export File Locations in the System tab of the Origination page in System Management (System Management > Modules > Origination).

For more information on setting these parameters, please see the System Tab section of the Origination topic in this guide.

Reference the section below for an overview of the virus scan logic that occurs when a document is uploaded in Virtual Capture:

ShowVirus Scan for Virtual Capture Documents

When a document is uploaded to the Document Upload or Stipulations panel in Virtual Capture, the system reviews the value of the Document Virus Scan in Virtual Capture and API parameter to determine if a virus scan should be performed on the document prior to uploading it to the application.

If the parameter is set to None, the document is attached to the application without a virus scan. The Virus Scan Status is set to "Exempt from Virus Scan" within the Document Upload or Stipulations panel, as well as the Application Documents window in the Temenos Infinity application.

If the parameter is set to Virus Scan, the document is placed in the Document Import File Location defined by the institution to await the virus scan. The Virus Scan Status is set to "Pending Virus Scan" in the Document Upload or Stipulations panel in Virtual Capture, as well as the Application Documents window in the Temenos Infinity application.

Documents are placed in the Document Import File Location with the following naming convention: Application ID.Document ID.

After the document has been added to the Document Import File Location, the name of the document cannot be modified.

Once in the Document Import File Location, the institution can perform a virus scan on the document(s) using their virus scan software. 

  • If the virus scan is successful, the document(s) can be moved to the Document Export File Location by the institution, which identifies the virus scan as successful, and allows the system to upload the document(s) to the application.
  • If the virus scan fails, the document(s) should remain in the Document Import File Location, which identifies the virus scan as a failure, and prevents the unsafe document(s) from being uploaded to the application.
The financial institution must move files from the Document Import Location to the Document Export Location by a method of their choice (either manually or automated). Temenos Infinity does not move files between these two folders, as institutions can use any Virus Scan software they desire, prior to placing documents into the Destination Path.

An executable automatically runs to review the Document Import and Export File Location to check for scanned documents, update the Virus Scan Status in both Virtual Capture and Temenos Infinity, and upload the documents that complete the virus scan successfully.

By default, the Document Import and Export File Locations are scanned at one minute intervals to review which documents have been moved to the Export File Location, or have remained in the Import File Location.

One minute is the default time frame assigned to the scan process frequency; however, if desired, this value can be modified with assistance from a Temenos Customer Care or Professional Services Representative .

When a document is moved to the Document Export File Location, the Virus Scan Status is set to "Successful Virus Scan," and the document is uploaded to the application.

The text that appears for the Virus Scan Status is determined by the description of the corresponding value from the DOCUMENT_SCAN_STATUS lookup. If desired, system administrators can configure the text that appears for each status in System Management > Origination > Field Configurations. 

The document can then be accessed from the Document Upload or Stipulations panel in Virtual Capture, as well as within the Application Documents window in the the Temenos Infinity application.

Once a document is uploaded to an application, it is automatically removed from the Document Export File Location.

If a document remains in the Document Import File Location without moving to the Document Export File Location, the Virus Scan Status is set to "Failed Virus Scan," and the document is not uploaded to the application. A record of the attachment continues to appears in the application, but the document is not able to be accessed in Temenos Infinity, or Virtual Capture.

Documents are not automatically removed from the Document Import File Location, and must be manually removed by the financial institution.

Event Processing for Failed Documents

If desired, institutions can configure an Event/Action pair in System Management > Origination > Event Processing to include the Virus Scan Failed event, which executes each time the Virus Scan Status field is set to "Failed Virus Scan" for a document. This event can be paired with an action, such as Execute Rules, to send a notification to a specific group or user when the Virus Scan Status for a document is set to Failed, and alert that the document could not be uploaded to the application.

Configure the following if using a vendor instance of Virtual Capture:

  • Configure the desired vendor instances in Virtual Capture Settings, including the Login settings for the Vendor Portal.
  • Configure authentication credentials for individual vendor users in Vendor Management.
  • Enable a vendor's access to the desired instance(s) of Virtual Capture, and determine the products for which a vendor is able to apply in Vendor Management.
For details on the configurations required to access a vendor instance of Virtual Capture, please see the How to Configure Merchant Lending topic in this guide.
Optional Configurations

Determine the Virtual Capture URL to be added to the institution's website. This is the URL that navigates the applicant to a specific instance of a Virtual Capture application when he or she chooses to apply for a product from the institution's website. Reference the section below for an overview of each URL that is available to provide access to an instance of Virtual Capture:

ShowVirtual Capture URLs

Institutions can use one of the following Virtual Capture URLs to automatically direct applicants to a specific location or product within an instance of Virtual Capture when the application is accessed from their website:

The Instance Code used in the URL is defined within the General tab in Virtual Capture Settings for each instance. For more information, please see the General section of the Virtual Capture Settings topic in this guide.
URL Description

<Institution site root>/<Instance Code>/Products/

When this URL is used, applicants are automatically navigated to the first Product Sub-Category that is listed under the first Category in the Product Selection page for the instance.

This is the default Virtual Capture URL for each instance configured for a financial institution.
<Institution site root>/<Instance Code>/Products/Index/?ProductCategory=<Category Name>

When this URL is used, applicants are automatically navigated to a specific Category in the Product Selection page for the instance. For example,

<Institution site root>/<Instance Code>/Products?ProductCategory=Loan

By default, applicants are automatically navigated to the first Product Sub-Category that appears under the Category defined in the URL. If the defined Category does not exist, the system automatically navigates the applicant to the first Category listed in the Product Selection page for the instance.

<Institution site root>/<Instance Code>/Products/Index/?ProductSubCategory=<Sub-Category Name>

When this URL is used, applicants are automatically navigated to a specific Sub-Category in the Product Selection page for the instance. For example,

<Institution site root>/<Instance Code>/Products?ProductSubCategory=Auto Loans.

If the defined Sub-Category does not exist, the system automatically navigates the applicant to the first Sub-Category listed in the Product Selection page for the instance.

<Institution site root>/<Instance Code>/Products/Index/?ProductCategory=<Category Name>&ProductSubCategory=<Sub-Category Name> When this URL is used, applicants are automatically navigated to a specific Category and Sub-Category in the Product Selection page for the instance. For example, <Institution site root>/<Instance Code>/Products?ProductCategory=Loan&ProductSubCategory=Auto Loans.

<Institution site root>/<Instance Code>/CreateApplication?ProductId=<ProductId Number>

The ProductId for each product is displayed within the grid that appears in the Virtual Capture Products page. For more information, please see the Virtual Capture Products topic in this guide.

When this URL is used, applicants are navigated directly into the virtual application process for the specific product. The location where an applicant is directed is determined by the state of the ProductId, and/or applicant's log-in status. For example,<Institution site root><Instance Code>/CreateApplication?ProductId=37.

  • If the ProductId in the URL is invalid, the applicant is navigated to the Product Selection page.
  • If the ProductId is valid, but the applicant has not completed the log-in process, the applicant is navigated to the Login screen to access an online profile or continue as a guest. Once the log-in process is complete, the applicant is presented with the first screen in the Application Workflow for the product.
  • If the ProductId is valid, and the applicant has completed the log-in process, the applicant is presented with the first screen in the Application Workflow for the product.     
An externally available URL must be used to browse a Virtual Capture instance, rather than an internal/local host URL. If an internal/local URL is used, the URL may become cached in the application server, and prevent Virtual Capture from being accessed by parties outside of the financial institution.

Make the following configurations in System Management > Modules > Origination:

  • Update the value of the Virtual Capture Configuration Refresh Frequency (Minutes) parameter in the System tab. By default, Virtual Capture is set to automatically refresh every 30 minutes, but the value of this parameter can be modified to a value specific to the financial institution if necessary.
  • Update the value of the Default Virtual Capture Instance in the Origination tab to identify the default individual instance of Virtual Capture where applicants are navigated if they access Virtual Capture with a URL that does not include an instance code.

Configure the following for the Online Profile functionality:

  • Security Questions
    • Five security questions are provided by default, but system administrators can add additional values to the ONLINE_SECURITY_QUESTIONS lookup in System Management > Origination > Field Configurations. These values appear within the Question drop-downs in the Create Online Profile or Manage Profile screens to assist in verifying an applicant's identity when he or she logs on to an online profile from an unrecognized device.  
  • Password Requirements
    • The password requirements for an online profile are determined by the configuration set within the Security tab in System Management > Administrative Settings.
Create a queue for In-Progress Web Applications.
Since queuing executes when an application is created, and after decisioning completes, it is recommended to review any decision validations that generate an error and move them to later in the process for web applications, or change them to warnings. This allows the applications to get through decisioning, queue again, and move out of the In-Progress Web Applications queue so the queue only contains applications that are abandoned and those that have not yet made it to decisioning.

Configure promotional offers, and activate the ability to display the promotions to eligible applicants during the virtual application process. To learn more about this functionality, please see the Promotions in Virtual Capture topic in this guide.

Update parameters within the Virtual Capture Settings file to customize the look and feel of the application experience in each instance of Virtual Capture. For example, institutions can customize the name of the link in the top navigation bar, as well as the text and/or images displayed for buttons in each instance.

For more information, please see the Customizing Global Settings for Virtual Capture topic in this guide.

Customize the look and feel of each Virtual Capture instance using Less CSS.

Data collected outside of the system, such as information from an institution's website, or a promotional email, may pass through to Virtual Capture applications using host value rules. 

If host value rules are configured to pass data to a Virtual Capture application, the data populates for applicants who log in to Virtual Capture through the SSO, Online Profile, or Guest login method.

If desired, institutions can use the following rule configurations to author a Default Values rule in System Management > Origination > Rules Management, which populates outside data in a Virtual Capture application:

Entity Rule Template Rule Value
Application Set the Value of a Field

Field - Field to populate in the Virtual Capture application.

Value - Get Application Host Value template.

Get Application Host Value

Field 1 - VC_<Field Name>

Field 2 - Blank

Field 3 - Blank

Field 4 - Blank

Field 5 - Blank

Value - Value to populate for the desired field in the Virtual Capture application.


Once the Default Values rule is authored, and saved to the rule application, the rule must be assigned to the loan application type(s) used to create Virtual Capture products, or the account application type(s) assigned to the desired Virtual Capture instances.

Default Value rules are assigned to an application type within the Default Values tab in System Management > Origination > Loan > Loan Application Types and System Management > Origination > Account > Account Application Types.
For the IT Resource at a financial institution: If desired, the following URL can be used to send a request to Virtual Capture to ensure the application is running for the institution: <Institution Site Root>/<Instance Code>/Ping. If the Virtual Capture application is running, a message of "OK" is displayed on the screen.

Once the above configurations have been made, the virtual application process can begin.



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